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The Exchange Gallery welcomes work by artists of all ages and levels of experience.

"Far Out" Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA

The "Far Out" show of Spring 2022; for more information, click here.

Joharis Linette Bonet Varela, Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA

Mifflinburg High School student Joharis Linette Bonet Varela had two pieces in the "Far Out" show, the first here that she entered.  (Later in the year she also brought work for "Creatures & Critters".

Joharis Linette Bonet Varela, Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA
Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, reception

The Exchange Gallery opens on Mondays and Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with similar hours on most Tuesdays through Thursdays; click here for our updated calendar.

To visit our shows virtually, click here.

Click here for current calls for entry.

Click here to see 2025's shows in the Gallery.


Click here to see 2024's shows in the Gallery.


Click here to see 2023's shows in the Gallery.


Click here to see 2022's shows in the Gallery.


Click here to see 2021's shows in the Gallery.


2016 and 2017          2018           2019         2020

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Cash & Carry VI

The 2019 "Cash & Carry" show had work in it by more than 180 artists.

The Exchange Gallery welcomes work by artists of ALL ages and levels of experience.
We routinely receive work from artists from twelve central-Pennsylvania counties, and artists showing here live across the Commonwealth -- in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and many places in between -- as well as Maryland, New York, New England, Colorado, and California. One artist from Vienna, Austria, found us on the Web and regularly sends his paper pieces.

It costs nothing for artists to enter most of our shows, and we encourage artists to put their work for sale, at realistic prices -- not too low, since art has value; not too high as to put it out of reach of the potential patrons in our community.  Artists receive 80% of each sale, and the Exchange Gallery retains 20% to help keep our lights on.

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Annie Barnhardt --  Assemblage

“Providing a place that celebrates each individual’s creativity aligns perfectly with The Exchange’s mission to bring the arts to all communities throughout our region,” says Exchange executive director Oren B. Helbok.  “Nothing makes us happier than making the ‘art world’ accessible to everyone; we believe strongly that anyone who makes art is an artist, and that art is anything an artist makes.  When we put a four-year-old child’s artwork on display next to an art professor’s work, we feel entirely confident that this child will grow up knowing that she is an artist – something that even some of our middle-aged first-time exhibitors have not yet wrapped their minds around about themselves."

“Some of the artists thank us for hanging their artwork here," Oren continues.  "I assure them that in fact we feel grateful to them, because our space would look awfully empty without their work in it.”

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Mary Powlus, acrylic painting

Mixed-media piece by Annie Barnhardt

Acrylic painting by Mary Powlus

Most of our themed shows do not require any entry fee, and all artists' work goes on display; only rarely do we have to "edit" for space considerations.

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, reception

A project of the non-profit Exchange, The Gallery is run by a committee of artist volunteers whose wish to provide a venue to themed, open-call exhibitions and juried or invitational shows that offer exposure to ALL interested artists, regardless of  age and level of experience.  Gallery exhibitions are selected and scheduled by the committee and are generally on display for four to six weeks.  Opening receptions are arranged in conjunction with other events in downtown Bloomsburg, often openings at the Artspace gallery around the corner on Center Street.

If you would like to have a solo show here or have other ideas about themes, inquiries should come to or sent via snail mail to the Exchange Gallery at 24 East Main Street, Bloomsburg PA  17815.  Please include a SASE if you would like your materials returned.


Click here to download a printable diagram of the Gallery at 1/8" = 1 foot.

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Sue O'Donnell, mixed media

Mixed-media pieces by Sue O'Donnell

More information for artists


We welcome videos in which artists speak about their work.  If you can make your own short video clip, please e-mail it (or a link) to us at; we would also appreciate a self-portrait/headshot and an artist's statement.


Artists and arts organizations interested in putting on their own solo or group exhibitions in the Exchange Gallery should submit an e-mail request that includes information about the exhibition and artists along with a selection of representative artwork as attachments or links to Web sites. The cost to individuals or groups to exhibit in the Exchange Gallery for four to six weeks is $250. The Gallery will assist in the installation and publicity of the exhibition while the artists must cover any shipping or special material costs.  Artists and groups will also be asked to help plan and attend a reception of their work.


Each exhibiting artist must sign an exhibition agreement form that releases The Exchange from liability for any theft, damage, or loss.

Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Bob McCormick watercolor

Watercolor painting by Bob McCormick

Acrylic painting by Chet Davis

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Exchange Gallery, Bloomsburg PA, Chet Davis acrylic, Doll From Daddy
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